Clubhouse Brings Back Organic Growth


Clubhouse is the latest social media platform to have exploded onto the scene. It is essentially a 24/7 voice conference. No one can see you—they can only hear your voice and view a very small profile photo. Which is a welcome break from the visual distractions of busier platforms like Facebook and Instagram.


When the Clubhouse frenzy picked up between Christmas and New Years’, I wondered—what would happen when the world resumed daily life after the holidays?

After all, our normal daily lives are packed with work, school, and the general running of households. In other words, we don’t have empty hours to spend scrolling through social media. And considering the time-suck that is Clubhouse (if you know, you know!) I couldn’t tell if this platform was designed in a way that would support its growth once the world no longer had hours to mindlessly listen and scroll.

Here’s the thing: Clubhouse has lost exactly ZERO momentum in January. And in fact, this platform currently boasts a $1B valuation and 183 investors.


And as of this moment, Clubhouse is entirely based on organic reach. There are zero ads, no subscriptions, nothing. Which, if you’re overwhelmed and feeling displaced by those things on more popular platforms, is a breath of fresh air.

Eventually, as with all platforms, Clubhouse is going to be pay to play—though how that all shakes out remains to be seen. I have a few guesses, which I’ll maybe even highlight in an upcoming podcast episode. But for now, Clubhouse remains a level playing field that its users are loving. And considering some of the powerhouse names currently hanging out on the app, that’s really saying something!

No matter who you are or what your Clubhouse status level, you’re able to jump into rooms (or create rooms) where interesting topics are discussed. Rising in popularity are subjects like health, mental wellness, diversity, global impact, and spirituality. Often buried on other social platforms, Clubhouse welcomes these topics.


Want to build an organic following on Clubhouse? No problem. Anyone has this power—again, this is part of the platform’s current appeal! It’s not yet oversaturated like so many other social media apps. To build your organic following, all you have to do is start a discussion (be sure to promote it beforehand) or join a discussion where you may know the moderator(s) so you’re given an opportunity to speak.

Here’s the (good) kicker with Clubhouse—it’s the thought leaders that voice intelligent, well-spoken opinions that truly shine. Clubhouse rewards brains—not beauty. 

Obviously, there are some exceptions. In one of my first adventures on Clubhouse, I entered a room where I knew one of the moderators—a male influencer who is highly popular in the online space. He—and his fellow Clubhousers—were bragging about money, ventures, material things. I signed off as they began discussing what they found unattractive about women.

No matter what social media platform you join, there will always be something like the above scenario. On Facebook and Instagram, it’s the picture-perfect house/family/selfie images.

The difference with Clubhouse is that as of right now, you’re not forced to see/listen to the content you’re not interested in. So the key is to be thoughtful in the rooms you join and in the people you follow. 


I consider myself to be a scientist in marketing. Trying new things, learning new ways, analyzing outcomes—it comes naturally. And I’m truly loving the time spent learning this new app. To generate the most from Clubhouse, consider the following tips: 

  • Jump in at least once per day for about an hour

  • Follow up with individuals you know who are moderating a room—tell them you’ll be joining them on X day so you have a better chance to speak

  • Ensure your profile includes a freebie or juicy offer

  • Connect your Clubhouse account to Instagram

  • Register your .club domain sooner than later

  • Practice speaking on topics you find interesting or are knowledgeable about so when it’s your turn to shine—you really do!

If you’re not currently on Clubhouse, it’s okay! There are such a small fraction of users on it compared to what it will become. But if you have the chance to snag an invitation—do it! Warning—it’s only open to iPhone users at the moment. 

Start building your following as early as possible. This platform shows no signs of slowing down. And you’ll want to have a well established organic reach once it goes public.


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