Have You Found Your Deeper “Why?”

So, you want to be an entrepreneur, have you already thought about your deeper why? If you haven't yet, the below video will help you learn how to take a few moments to pause and think about them, or even list them. 

If you know your “why,” you'll know what you’re most passionate about which is the first step in building a powerful brand.

Before she became the Founder and CEO of inkWELL Press Productivity Co., a seven-figure company at present, Tonya Dalton had to first make the hard decision of closing her first one. 

She admits it was difficult-- she loved her first business and it was doing fine. "When you have a business, your business is like another child. You love it, you nurture it, you pour your love, energy, and focus into it," she says.

"And when you decide that you're going to close your business, it's really not an easy decision, it's a hard choice," she adds. In fact, Tonya felt as if she was turning her back on this "child" that she loved for so long, but then, she really knew what she needed to do, and was able to make the decision to move on, to pursue something that she's truly passionate about. 

The clearer your “why,” the easier everything else will become.

Tonya used to be a teacher and so she knew that what she's always wanted is to impact lives, to make a difference.

Closing her first business was a hard choice, but knowing these things helped her know what she was going towards, and this time, she felt that this was the path she was really designed to be on and it has always been waiting for her. As Tonya says, "When you feel what way about what you do, I think, that makes all the difference. It makes the hard choices easier.

When you encounter struggles, remember your “why”

After taking time to sit down and reflect, Tonya knew what she's always been most passionate about: 

  • Teaching. 

  • Empowering Women. 

  • Productivity.

And for her, knowing that these are what she really wants to pursue gave her the motivation and strength to build, grow, and scale her current business, inkWELL Press, to what it is now. 

Most of the time, entrepreneurship won't be easy. Entrepreneurs is riddled with hurdles and challenges. Entrepreneurs need to make a lot of sacrifices.They take a lot of risks. They face criticism. And sometimes, after all the effort they've put through in building their business, they'll find that they have to let it go, move on and begin again to build a new one. 

If you're an entrepreneur and there will be a time when you’ll be faced with a lot of challenges, this is what we suggest:

Then think about your “why” - the reasons why you wanted to become an entrepreneur in the first place. 

Also, keep in mind, entrepreneurship won't always be easy, but if you know why you're doing what you're doing, it will always be rewarding.

Watch my interview with Tonya for more tips about pursuing your passion, mindset, and productivity by clicking the link below:


Seven Secrets of Remarkable Brands: They Begin Inside


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